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Crazyflie Bolt

The Crazyflie Bolt is a Crazyflie 2.X compatible flight controller for brushless builds. It is intended to have the strengths of the Crazyflie 2.1 but in a slightly bit bigger package.

The size of the board is 36mm x 35.4mm and the holes are M3, located on the common 30.5mm square.


The Bolt contains a power distribution board (PDB) but it is a bit limiting. Both as the current has to pass a MOSFET and the ESC connector. We have tested running 8A though the chain without any limiting heat-up but that is as far as we would recommend to go. If increased current is wanted one could bypass the connectors by soldering the ESC directly to the connector soldering pad. The MOSFET is still there but a slight increase should be possible. For higher currents, an external PDB should be used. Other tricks to keep current down, but power up, is to run on higher voltage (3S or 4S) and using low KV motors.


projects/bolt/index.1570015468.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019-10-02 13:24 by tobias