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doc:lighthouse:setup [2019-03-14 14:34]
kimberly [Setting up SteamVR without Head Mounted Display]
doc:lighthouse:setup [2019-04-04 11:29]
arnaud [Setting up SteamVR without Head Mounted Display]
Line 15: Line 15:
 It is possible to setup the SteamVR without a Head Mounted Display (HMD). This allows to setup a minimal system with just two Base stations and one controller or tracker. It can be quite useful when a full VR system is not needed or to setup a system at fairs or conference. It is possible to setup the SteamVR without a Head Mounted Display (HMD). This allows to setup a minimal system with just two Base stations and one controller or tracker. It can be quite useful when a full VR system is not needed or to setup a system at fairs or conference.
-Follow the guide from Triad: [[|SteamVR Tracking without an HMD]]. This has been tested to work on Windows and Linux.+Follow the guide from Triad: [[|SteamVR Tracking without an HMD]] (the steps after 14 is optional). This has been tested to work on Windows and Linux. 
 +For the floor to be flat, it is good to start steamVR with the controller placed on the floor. The only difference with an HMD setup is the orientation of the space: with an HMD the space will be oriented when you setup the room. Without an HMD the master base station (the one in Mode B) will be at the origin of the space. The Z axis will be the vector normal to the base station window, pointing toward the inside of the base station and rotated around X to be parallel with the floor. 
-The only difference with an HMD setup is the orientation of the space: with an HMD the space will be oriented when you setup the room. Without an HMD the slave base station (the one in Mode A or C) will be at the origin of the space and the Z axis will be normal to the base station window. 
 <WRAP center round info> <WRAP center round info>
Line 25: Line 28:
 ''openvr.OpenVRError: b'VRInitError_Init_VRClientDLLNotFound' (error number 102)'' ''openvr.OpenVRError: b'VRInitError_Init_VRClientDLLNotFound' (error number 102)''
 +Or this when running the script from the Crazyflie firmware repos:
 +$ python3 
 +Openning OpenVR
 +python3: Relink `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' with `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' for IFUNC symbol `clock_gettime'
 +Segmentation fault (core dumped)
 Then you are maybe missing some essential packages for openvr: Then you are maybe missing some essential packages for openvr:
Line 31: Line 43:
   * libvulkan-dev   * libvulkan-dev
   * libsdl2-dev   * libsdl2-dev
 +On Ubuntu:
 +$ sudo apt-get install libudev-dev  libvulkan-dev  libsdl2-dev
 +$ python3 -m pip uninstall openvr
 +$ python3 -m pip install openvr
 if this still doesn't work, please check this forum-thread for other options: if this still doesn't work, please check this forum-thread for other options:
 [[]] [[]]
 +<WRAP center round info>
 +When running SteamVR on Linux, by default the access right to USB device might not be configured right. If you have problem connecting the tracker/controller/HMD you can add a udev rules that gives full access to any USB Valve hardware to all users on your system:
 +# cat > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-steamvr.rules << EOF
 +KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="28de", MODE=="0666"
 +You may need to restart SteamVR to see the connected devices.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 52: Line 85:
 Clone or download the latest version or the [[|Crazyflie firmware]] on the VR computer, open a command line window and navigate to the Crazyflie firmware. There you can make sure you have the openVR python package and run the script to get the basestation position: Clone or download the latest version or the [[|Crazyflie firmware]] on the VR computer, open a command line window and navigate to the Crazyflie firmware. There you can make sure you have the openVR python package and run the script to get the basestation position:
 <code> <code>
-pip install openvr+python3 -m pip install openvr
 cd tools\lighthouse cd tools\lighthouse
 </code> </code>
Line 74: Line 107:
-Copy the last two lines and, on the computer or virtual machine you use for Crazyflie development, past them in the file 'src/deck/drivers/src/lighthouse.c'. It should replace the content of //baseStationsGeometry[]// and the line "#define DISABLE_DRIVER" should be commented to enable the driver:+Copy the last two lines and, on the computer or virtual machine you use for Crazyflie development, past them in the file 'src/deck/drivers/src/lighthouse.c'. It should replace the content of //baseStationsGeometry[]// and the line "#define DISABLE_LIGHTHOUSE_DRIVER" should be commented to enable the driver:
 {{:doc:lighthouse:modified_lighthouse_code.png|}} {{:doc:lighthouse:modified_lighthouse_code.png|}}
 <code c> <code c>
 +// #endif
 baseStationGeometry_t baseStationsGeometry[] = { baseStationGeometry_t baseStationsGeometry[] = {
doc/lighthouse/setup.txt · Last modified: 2020-05-12 14:35 by kimberly