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misc:hacks:gps [2015-03-01 23:33]
misc:hacks:gps [2021-06-24 16:44] (current)
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 +<WRAP center round important 60%>
 +This page has deprecated and will be archived. Please go to [[]].
 +====== Adding a u-blox MAX-7 GPS module ======
 +===== What you need =====
 +  * u-blox MAX-7 GPS breakout (we have [[|one from HAP Supplies]])
 +  * KDE Marble built with Python bindings
 +===== How to get it working =====
 +These instructions are valid for Ubuntu 13.10 but similar steps should work with other distros.
 +  * Attach the u-blox beakout to the expansion header by connecting the following pins (breakout -> Crazyflie expansion header):
 +    * GND -> DGND (pin 17)
 +    * VCC -> VCC  (pin 15)
 +    * TXD -> TX (pin 5)
 +    * RXD -> RX (pin 3)
 +  * Since the Python bindings for Marble isn't built by default you will have to build Marble from source and enable these (instructions taken from [[|here]])
 +sudo apt-get install python-sip-dev python-qt4-dev kdelibs5-dev python-kde4
 +git clone git:// ~/marble/sources -b KDE/4.12
 +mkdir -p ~/marble/build
 +cd ~/marble/build
 +sudo make install
 +  * Make sure you have the correct firmware/software (the firmware is on the [[|gps_ublox_dev]] branch and the client is on the [[|gpstab]] branch)
 +===== Tweaking and development =====
 +There's no assisted GPS or battery backup so every time the Crazyflie is powered on the GPS module does a cold-start, which a while to get a fix. During ideal conditions it should be 42 seconds (according to datasheet) but during testing we have seen times closer to 4-6 minutes. The plan is to improve this in the future by implementing assisted GPS (downloading almanac on the PC and transferring via CRTP).
 +Getting a position fix will not be as easy as with your phone, so make sure to be outside (or at least stick the Crazyflie a couple of meters outside the window).
 +If you don't have a GPS module you can still use the [[projects:crazyflie:pc_utils:debugdriver|DebugDriver]] which will send fake latitude/longitude/altitude to the UI.