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projects:crazyflie:index [2012-12-03 14:00]
tobias [Crazyflie hardware]
projects:crazyflie:index [2021-06-24 16:49] (current)
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-====== Crazyflie ====== +<WRAP center round important 60%> 
-The Crazyflie is a tiny quadcopter often refereed to as a nano-quad, built using the PCB itself as the frame. Developed solely by open source tools.+This page has deprecated and will be archived. Please go to [[]]. 
 +====== Crazyflie 1.0 ====== 
 +The Crazyflie is a tiny quadcopter often referred to as a nano-quad, built using the PCB itself as the frame. Developed solely by open source tools and designed with development in mind. E.g. we choose 0603 components (resistors & caps) over 0402 to make it easier to replace components. The voltage regulators are adjustable which makes it possible to change the digital and analog supply voltages simply by changing a couple of resistors.
 **Features** **Features**
   * Small and lightweight, around 19g and about 90mm motor to motor   * Small and lightweight, around 19g and about 90mm motor to motor
-  * Flight time over 6 minutes with standard 170mAh Li-Po battery +  * Flight time up to 7 minutes with standard 170mAh Li-Po battery 
-  * 4-layer low noise PCB design+  * Standard micro-USB connector for charging which takes ~20min for the stock 170mAh Li-Po battery 
 +  * On-board low-energy radio@1mW based on the nRF24L01+ chip. Up to 80m range (environment dependent) when using the Crazyradio USB dongle 
 +  * Radio bootloader which enables wireless [[doc:crazyflie:client:pycfclient:index#bootloader|update of the firmware]]
   * Powerful 32 bit MCU: STM32F103CB @ 72 MHz (128kb flash, 20kb RAM)   * Powerful 32 bit MCU: STM32F103CB @ 72 MHz (128kb flash, 20kb RAM)
   * 3-axis high-performance MEMs gyros with 3-axis accelerometer: Invensense MPU-6050   * 3-axis high-performance MEMs gyros with 3-axis accelerometer: Invensense MPU-6050
-  * Available footprints to manually add magnetometer HMC5883L/HMC5983 or/and barometer MS5611 +  * Available footprints to manually solder magnetometer HMC5883L/HMC5983 or/and barometer MS5611 (Mounted on the 10-DOF version
-  * On-board low-energy radio@1mW based on the nRF24L01+ chip. Range 30-80m (environment dependentwhen using the Crazyradio USB dongle +  * Expansion header 2×10 pins 1.27mm (0.05) pitch including power, I2C/UART, SPI/ADC. Header also contains ARM Cortex 10-pin JTAG (header not included) 
-  * Standard micro-USB connector for charging which takes ~20min for the stock 170mAh Li-Po battery +  * 4-layer low noise PCB design with separate voltage regulators for digital and analog supply 
-  * Expansion header 2x10 pins 1.27mm (0.05") pitch including power, I2C/UART, SPI/ADC +====== Using the Crazyflie ======
-  * Open source. Can be hacked/tuned/rebuilt to your likings! +
-===== Using the Crazyflie =====+
   * [[projects:crazyflie:userguide:index|User Guide/Introduction]]: Short user guide that introduces some basic concepts   * [[projects:crazyflie:userguide:index|User Guide/Introduction]]: Short user guide that introduces some basic concepts
 +  * [[projects:crazyflie:mechanics:assembly|Crazyflie assembly]]: Instructions on how to assemble the Crazyflie kit
 +  * [[[[misc:downloads:index|Download binaries]]: Download links for the binaries.
 +  * [[projects:crazyflie:upgrading:index|Upgrading/flashing]]: How do upgrade/flash new firmware
 +  * [[doc:crazyflie:client:pycfclient:index|GUI Application]]: Userguide for the Graphical user interface
 +  * [[projects:crazyflie:pc_utils:install|Installation]]: Install instructions for PC side software
 +  * [[projects:crazyflie:pc_utils:inputdevices|Input devices]]: What input devices are supported and how do you get them working
   * [[projects:crazyflie:userguide:tips_and_tricks|Tips and tricks]]: Tips and tricks for flying   * [[projects:crazyflie:userguide:tips_and_tricks|Tips and tricks]]: Tips and tricks for flying
   * [[projects:crazyflie:userguide:troubleshooting |Troubleshooting ]]: How to find and fix problems   * [[projects:crazyflie:userguide:troubleshooting |Troubleshooting ]]: How to find and fix problems
 +  * [[projects:crazyflie:safety|Safety Instructions ]]: Important instructions before and during flying
 +  * [[projects:crazyflie:faq | FAQ]]: A list of frequently asked questions and the answers to them
 +  * [[projects:virtualmachine:index | Bitcraze Virtual Machine ]]: Information about how to download and use the Virtual Machine
 +  * [[doc:crazyflie:client:cfandroid:index|Android client user guide]]: Install instructions and user guide for the Crazyflie Android client
 +====== Development ======
 +  * [[projects:contribution:index | How to contribute to the project]]
-===== PC Environment ===== +===== PC/Host Environment ===== 
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:devenv:index|Development Environment]]: Setting up the compiler installing libs and fixing permissions for JTAG/radio dongles. +  * [[projects:crazyflie:pc_utils:dev_guide|Application dev. guide]]: Development guide for the PC side applications/library 
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:pc_utils:downloads|PC Downloads]]: Downloading PC side software +  * [[doc:crazyflie:api:python:index|Crazyflie Python Library]]: Documentation for the Python library used to communicate with the Crazyflie
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:pc_utils:index|PC Utilities]]: Overview and install instructions for computer applications +
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:pc_utils:qt_ui|GUI Application]]Userguide for the Graphical user interface +
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:pc_utils:dev_guide|PC application dev. guide]]: Development guide for the PC side applications/library+
-===== Mechanics ===== +===== Android Environment ===== 
-  * [[[projects:crazyflie:mechanics:index|Crazyflie assembly]]: How to attach the propellers, motor mounts and battery+  * [[doc:crazyflie:dev:env:android|Android client dev. guide]]: Development guide for the Crazyflie Android client
-===== Crazyflie Firmware =====+===== Firmware ===== 
 +  * [[projects:crazyflie:devenv:index|Development Environment]]: Setting up the compiler installing libs and fixing permissions for JTAG/radio dongles.
   * [[projects:crazyflie:firmware:arch|Overall firmware architecture]]   * [[projects:crazyflie:firmware:arch|Overall firmware architecture]]
   * [[projects:crazyflie:firmware:comm_protocol|Communication protocol]]   * [[projects:crazyflie:firmware:comm_protocol|Communication protocol]]
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:firmware:codingstandard|Firmware coding standard]] +  * [[projects:crazyflie:firmware:altitude_hold|Altitude hold mode]]
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:firmware:downloads|Downloading firmware]] +
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:firmware:contribute|How to contribute to the firmware]]+
-===== Crazyflie hardware ===== +===== Electronics ===== 
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:hardware:explained| Crazyflie KIT hardware explained]] +  * [[projects:crazyflie:hardware:explained| Crazyflie KIT electronics explained]] 
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:hardware:downloads|Downloading the KiCad project]] +  * [[misc:hacks:index | Crazyflie hacks and mods]] 
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:hacks:index Crazyflie hacks and mods]]+  * [[projects:crazyflie:hardware:schematics Crazyflie schematics]] 
 +  * [[projects:crazyflie:hardware:spareparts Spare components and where to order them]]
-===== Expansion boards ===== 
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:expansionboards:index|List of expansion boards]] 
-  * [[projects:crazyflie:expansionboards:howto|Reference design]]: KiCad files for schematic and layout reference design 
projects/crazyflie/index.1354539637.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-07-15 16:30 (external edit)