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Zadig is a tool that allows installing usb drivers on windows without warnings and without the need to restart the computer in maintenance mode. This is the new recomended way to install Crazyradio on windows.
First of all download Zadig from its website: There is a version for Windows XP and one for vista and later.
Plug Crazyradio in the PC. Windows should display some installation window. On windows8 it does nothing and closes itself. On windows 7 you have to close the install failed window.
Once windows is out of the way, launch Zadig, you should see the Crazyradio in the list. Select crazyradio, select libusb and click install:
The install process should run and succed. Installation is usually quick but it could also take some time:
Et voilà! The driver is now installed and you can use Crazyradio to fly a Crazyflie or else :).