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Input-devices for the Crazyflie client

The Crazyflie graphical control client needs an input-device (joystick) with a minimum of 4 analogue axis to be able to pilot the Crazyflie. The Playstation 3 controller is supported out of the box but the application supports creating new configurations that uses other controllers. This page details what controllers are supported out of the box, how to create a new configurations and how to debug problems.


First of all there's currently a few limitations in the client (that will be fixed in the future):

  • After entering the configuration dialogue the application needs to be restarted.
  • There's only support for one input device. If you have multiple connected the application will choose the first one.

Steps to get the controller working

Here's a few steps that you have to go though in order to get the input-device working. If any of the steps are not working then the input-device will not be usable for piloting the Crazyflie:

  • The input-device needs to be recognized by the host operating system. This means that it should be seen in the operating system and be usable in other applications or utilities.
  • When using the Crazyflie graphical control client you need at least the correct mappings for roll/pitch/yaw/thrust. This can be checked by opening the Flight Data tab. If the input-device is found and opened then you should see values in the Target fields for Roll,Pitch,Yaw and Thrust. Moving the analogue axis should show you output here. Make sure that you get the full span according to the settings on the left side of the tab. I.e if the setting for Max roll/pitch is 20 then you should be able to get from -20 to + 20 in the target field (and the same for yaw and thrust). Also make sure that none of the axis interact (like moving roll will also move pitch).
  • If the mappings are not correct in the previous point go to the menu Config→Input-devices, select the device you would like to configure and go though the configuration. When you are done save the configuration as name.json in the configs/input directory. You will need to map at least roll/pitch/yaw/thrust to be able to save the configuration. Now restart the application and try again.

"Out-of-the-box" support for controllers/operating systems

Below is a list of controllers and what operating systems they are supported for “out-of-the-box”.

Controller Linux Windows XP Windows 7 32bit Windows 7 64bit Mac OSX
Playstation 3 (or copy) Tested Ok Tested Ok MotionJoy gives wrong mappings Motion Joy gives wrong mappings Not tested

Installation of Playstation 3 controller


With USB

Just plug it in and it will work out of the box :-)

With Bluetooth


Windows XP

With USB

Just plug it in and it will work out of the box :-)

With Bluetooth


Windows Vista/7 32/64-bit

With USB

There's support for this using MotionJoy, but the mapping of the axis is not the same as for Windows XP/Linux and has to be configured. TODO Insert instructions for re-mapping.

With Bluetooth

Should work using MotionJoy but this needs confirmation.


With USB


With Bluetooth


projects/crazyflie/pc_utils/inputdevices.1361444356.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-07-15 16:30 (external edit)